Saturday, September 18, 2010

Financial Health from the California Mountains

I live in California now and I have to say it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.  I can go out on the back deck and excercise on the elliptical looking out into the mountains.  I can see birds circling overhead.  Deer, bobcats, and other wildlife are lible to stop by and watch.  There are so many wonderful aspects to where I am it is hard to think why everybody doesn't want to live this way.

One of the reasons California is unpopular is the tax system and cost of certain necessities.  It can be rediculously expensive at times.  Gas prices are higher than almost anywhere I have ever been.  On top of that, if you want to pay with a debit or credit card, you have to pay extra.  Unfortunately, it doesn't end there.  My electricity bill is so expensive.  The concept of cheap electricity doesn't exist in California.  There is a teired system so the more you use, the more you pay.  I have a 3 bedroom house and don't do anything crazy and I hit the highest teir every month which costs over 30 cents a kilowat hour.  Compare that to many areas in the midwest that are payin 6 cents or so and you can see how fast the cost of electricity can destroy your budget.  The costs don't stop there.  I just paid for new license plates and I don't even want to start talking about that again.

Fortunately, there are so many good things about California, I can live with the bad.  I just wish it didn't cost so much to live here.  Well, at least I have my health!

Thanks for reading and have a healthy day!

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