Saturday, September 4, 2010

Benefits of Morning Exercise

You already know that you should exercise, but do you know when is the best time to exercise?  There are a lot of opinions, but there are some very good reasons to exercise at a specific time of day.

One school of thought is to exercise after a hard day of work.  It gives you a way to work of the stress of the day and helps you relax.  This is a good idea if you need a way to relax, but it isn't the best time for most people.

Another idea is to exercise during your lunch breat (if you are able).  This can be a good way to recharge for the second half of your day, but again, this isn't what I would say is the best time.

For most people, the best time of day to exercise is in the morning.  I know it can be hard to make yourself wake up earlier so you can exercise, but if you are able to do this, there are a lot of benefits.  To start with, it is a great way to get your blood flowing and clear your head for the day to come.  Another thing it does is get your body started burning calories - it is kinda like jumpstarting your metabolism for the day.  If you exercise before you eat, it also forces your body to burn fat because there aren't any sugar reserves from your meal to use as energy.

All in all, if you exercise regularly, it is a good thing regardless of when you do it.  However, if you are going to do it in the morning, you may get more benefits.

Thanks for reading and have a healthy day!

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