Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to Get a Six Pack of Steel

I want to know how to get a six pack. This simple statement has driven millions of internet searches and countless fitness related conversations. Fortunately for everybody that has ever uttered this phrase, there is a simple answer. Now before you start jumping for joy, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. You will have to do some work, but the reward is definitely worth it. Stay with me for a few minutes and I will tell you how to get started then give you some tips at the bottom that can help make turn simple into easy.

Click here to download your free fat loss report and learn the truth about 6 pack abs.

If you want to lose your belly and get a flat stomach, you really just need to lose your belly fat and do a little abdominal exercise to make sure they are strong. However, if you are trying to figure out how to get a six pack, you will need to build really strong muscles that have a lot of definition. You need to treat your abs just like the other muscles in your body. You wouldn’t try to get really big biceps by doing hundreds of curls with a 2 pound dumb bell so you shouldn’t try to get ripped abs by doing hundreds of simple abdominal exercises. These exercises will make your abs strong, but they won’t give you the definition you really want. You need to find exercises for your abs that are really challenging. Try to find exercises that you can use weights with so you can increase the weight as you get stronger. Check the links at the bottom for some secrets you can use to get ripped abs.

The other obvious part of getting six pack abs is to lose the belly fat that is hanging around and covering up your abs. There are way too many tips and special diets to try to tell you which one will work for you. One simple tip that can cut hundreds or even thousands of calories a day from your diet is to ditch your sugary drinks with water. If you can eliminate your high calorie sweetened teas, sodas, milkshakes, and even sweetened fruit drinks, you will start losing weight. No matter what diet you choose, the goal is to reduce the number of calories you consume every day and water will help you do that. It will also make you feel full if you drink it right before a meal and this will help you eat less.

One last trick you may want to try is to look into weight loss supplements. I don’t recommend prescription diet pills or even over the counter chemical appetite suppressants or fat burners. There are a few all natural weight loss supplements that have helped thousands, if not millions, of people. The most popular right now is the Acai Berry, but Hoodia and Green Tea are also very popular and very effective, all natural weight loss supplements. To make these better, you can often get a free bottle so sample so you can see if they will help you without spending a bunch of money.

Click here to learn how you can get FREE weight loss supplements.

Before you start any exercise or diet program, you should check with your doctor to make sure there aren’t any health issues you need to consider. Most likely, there aren’t any, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Helpful Resources:

If you are looking for more great resources, there is an article on how to get a six pack on Weebly. There is also an article on how to get a six pack on Wetpaint that you may find helpful. If you are ready to learn how to get perfect abs, check out the information at or head over to to learn how to quickly get rid of belly fat.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite. The mere word strikes fear into the hearts of women. The real question is what exactly is it and how to get rid of cellulite. Read on to learn about it and get some tips to combat it. Then check the links for some great resources to help you in your battle.

Click here to get some great weight loss supplements for FREE!

Click here to download your free Fat Loss Report

First, let’s talk about what cellulite really is. It is fat, plain and simple. There is nothing that really makes it different than any other fat than the way it appears on your body. There are tissues that connect your fat and skin together and as you get more fat it can bulge and form the cottage cheese like texture that you see in your nightmares.

Now that we know what it is, we need to talk about how to get rid of cellulite. The answer is quite simple. Get rid of the fat. You need to burn more calories on a daily basis than you consume. It is also helpful to build some muscle because it helps stabilize your whole body because muscle is firmer than fat. As an added bonus, muscle burns more calories than fat 24 hours a day.

To get you started on reducing the amount of calories you consume every day, I recommend you trade in your favorite sugary, caffeinated, acidic beverages for water. That simple act alone will help you get rid of cellulite.

You also need to start an exercise program. If you are just starting out, start with a nice 20 minute walk. As you get used to exercising, start walking faster then work your way up to more strenuous exercise.

Another good thing to do is mix in some strength training. If you start building muscle, you will look better because your body gets firmer. You will also burn more calories, as I mentioned above, which will make your calorie deficit larger every day which leads to more weight loss.

The last thing you may want to consider is an all natural weight loss supplement. There are some great natural resources like Acai Berry and Hoodia which usually have really good results. You can usually get a free trial to see if they work for you so you have nothing to do. Check the links below to learn more.

Make sure you check with your doctor before making any serious changes to your diet or exercise habits.

Aditional Resources:

If you are looking for more information on how to get rid of cellulite, there is a great page on Weebly you should check out. There is also some helpful information on how to get rid of cellulite on Wetpaint. If you are ready to take the next step and want to know how to get perfect abs, check out or if you are looking for free supplements to help you get rid of belly fat, check out AllNaturalSupplements. info.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How to Get a Flat Stomach is Easy as "NO" Pie

If you are desperately searching for the answer to the most sought after fitness question, I am here to show you how to get a flat stomach. It is not as hard as you might think. In fact, the solution is simple. However, simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy, but the results are definitely worth it.

Click here to learn the Truth About Abs and start building your perfect body!

Click Here to Reduce Belly Fat with FREE All Natural Supplements

Before we start, you must understand that you can’t just focus on the stomach. It is impossible to lose just the weight on your stomach. You must work on your whole body. This means doing thousands of sit ups is not how to get a flat stomach.

To get a flat stomach, you will probably have to do 3 things. First, you will have to reduce the number of calories you consume each day. Second, you will have to increase the number of calories that you burn each day. Last, you need to strengthen your mid section. It is possible to only do 2 of these, but it definitely isn’t the easiest or healthiest thing to do. For example, exercising for 3 hours a day would, in theory, allow you to continue to eat a lot of junk and still lose weight because you are burning a lot more calories than normal. At the end, I have a secret weapon that may help you burn more calories.

There are tons of fad diets out there that give you ways to eat fewer calories. There is no magic bullet that works for everybody so you need to find the diet that is right for you. One tip to get you started is to drink more water. Drink tons of it. In fact, if you could drink nothing but water, you would see great results just from that.

Exercise is the next key to get a flat stomach. The first goal is to increase the number of calories you burn each day. The next goal is to get your metabolism revved up and burning more calories even when you aren’t working out.

The last key to a flat stomach is to strengthen your stomach muscles. You need to have strong stomach muscles to support your whole body and show off once you get rid of the excess fat around your mid section.

As with any diet or exercise change, make sure you check with your doctor to make sure there aren’t any health risks you should avoid.

If you are looking for more information on how to get a flat stomach, check out my Wordpress for more good information. You can also find out more about how to get a flat stomach on Wetpaing. There are also a couple great resources on how to get a six pack and how to get rid of belly fat that you may want to check out.