Monday, August 16, 2010

Why does good for you food taste so bad?

I am starting my third day of healthy eating and living.  The weekend went fairly well, but left me wondering "why does food that is good for you taste so bad?"  Seriosly - I just had a breakfast of water soaked raw almonds.  I know they are good for me and all, but why can't something that is good for me taste better.

One of the reasons healthy food doesn't taste as good is the sugar.  Like it or not, sugar tastes good.  And so does fat.  What makes it worse is that our normal diets of processed foods that are high in sugar and fat can actually desensitize our taste buds so naturally sweet things like berries don't taste as good because they just can't compete with processed sugars on the sweetness scale.  As the next few days and weeks go by, I know that my taste buds will adapt and healthy things will start tasting better.  Until then, I will just keep moving ahead with my bland tasting health food.

Somehow, I feel just a little bit better about health food knowing it will get better.  I just wish the transformation could be faster.  Even with more sensitive taste buds, I'm not sure raw almonds are ever going to taste all that good though . . . I guess I just have to suck it up and do what's best for my body.

Have a healthy day!

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