Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Herbal Remedies to Fight Allergies

Allergies are a problem that many people suffer from in some form. It can be an allergen that you inhale or something that you eat. Some allergies are all the time and some are seasonal. Many people take medication or get allergy shots, but there are herbal remedies for allergies that can help you beat the symptoms without medicines that may have nasty side effects or painful allergy shots.

Allergies are the immune systems abnormal response to a certain substance like an animal or food. The body basically deals with a common substance the same way it would a harmful germ by producing or overproducing histamine which is what responds to immune system attacks.

You can use herbal remedies for allergies in several different ways. Some remedies are designed to boost your immune system so it doesn’t attack the allergen. Or you can use remedies that reduce the symptoms of your allergy attack after it happens.
Honey is one of the most common herbal or homeopathic remedies for allergies. Local honey is the best to use because it will have all the local allergens that are in your area.

Bitter orange is an ayurvedic remedy for respiratory allergies and asthma. This medicinal philosophy from India also recommends cleansing and detoxification to help prevent allergy attacks.

You can find lots of other remedies that combat allergies including echinacea which may act like an antibiotic and boost the immune system and herbal drinks with ginseng powder in them which should reduce the chances of having an allergy attack.

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