Saturday, November 21, 2009

Helpful Acai Berry Canada Information

Acai berry health supplements are becoming a widely used health supplement in Canada and across the globe. While there are detractors that say acai berries are nothing but a scam, it is hard to deny the health benefits so what you have to do to find honest companies and stay away from the scams. When you are done with the introduction below, you can get more information about acai berry supplements in Canada at Sassafras Station.

Acai berry supplements are good for three main reasons. First, you get a higher concentration of antioxidants than any other fruit. Second, there is a healthy dose of dietary fiber. Lastly, you get omega fatty acids which are also beneficial.

These berries grow primarily in the Amazon Rain Forest but they don't last very long so they don't get exported from the region very often. Fortunately, they can be processed and turned into health supplements which retain all the health benefits.

The biggest downside of acai berry supplements is having to wade through all the offers and figure out which ones are best and which ones should be avoided. The best way to do this is to stay away from the free trials and find a good supplement to buy. Onee of the more popular is Amazon Thunder.

If you want to learn more about acai berries and other health supplements, head over to

There are also good health related articles at that are worth checking out.

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